
お知らせ   |  2020/05/26

入場の際のお願い / A request to visitors

5月25日付で 新コロナウイルスにおける緊急事態宣言の全面解除に至りましたが、

四季彩の丘では 引き続き、



● 体温測定

 37.5度以上の発熱がある場合は、ご同伴の方を含め 入場いただけません。

● マスク着用

 お持ちで無い場合は 当園にて販売もしておりますので、必ず着用して下さい。

● 手指の消毒、または石鹸での手洗い







In view of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) infection situation in Japan,

we will be asked to enter with the cooperation of the following three points for a while.

●Take your temperature with a thermometer

  If you have a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher, you cannot enter including your companion.

●Wearing a mask 

  If you do not have it, please purchase it at our park and wear it.

●Hand disinfection or washing with soap 

  We have a disinfectant and a hand wash station, so please use them.


We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your understanding and cooperation.

Thank you.